'2015/01/19'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2015.01.19 vmware 9 ubuntu 14.04 에서 shared folder 불가능

vmware 9 ubuntu 14.04 에서 shared folder 불가능



에서 답을 찾았다.

1 - Run: apt-get install dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential psmisc

2 - Run: git clone https://github.com/rasa/vmware-tools-patches.git

3 - Run: cd vmware-tools-patches/patches

4 - Remove every folder except "vmhgfs".

5 - Get the last version of VMwareTools clicking on VMWare Bar > VM > Install/Reinstall VMWare Tools. It will open a virtual CD containing the "tar" file.

6 - Copy VMwareTools-9.2.4-1398046.tar.gz to "vmware-tools-patches" folder.

7 - On "vmware-tools-patches" folder, run: ./untar-and-patch-and-compile.sh


This procedure worked for me. I didn't even need to reboot the virtual machine. All shared folders are working now.

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