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synthesia latency 문제

스타더스트 2018. 2. 20. 10:55

synthesia로 키보드연습을 하다보니


latency가 문제가 되더라.


키를 누르고 난 이후에 딜레이가 발생.


synthesia가 asio를 지원하지않고


ms gs wavetable synth가 속도가 느리다.


해결 방법은


fl studio에 midi리디렉션을 이용하는 방법과


virtualmidisynth를 이용하는 방법이 있는데


후자가 더 간단하고 더 잘된다.


ps) synthesia 웹사이트의 설명을 추가함.


The built-in Windows synth is slow and doesn't sound great.

Use your keyboard's synth or a free software driver.

If your keyboard has an on-board synth, that's usually your best bet. It will be the fastest and usually sounds pretty nice.


Next, Windows 10 just updated their synth for the first time in over 20 years and now it's much lower latency. Download the latest version of Synthesia to start using the new synth.


Otherwise, one great (and free!) alternative is using a software MIDI driver and a "Sound Font" to go with it.


CoolSoft has made an easy to use MIDI synth called VirtualMIDISynth. Here's how to get it up and running in Synthesia:


Download VirtualMIDISynth from the CoolSoft site.

Download one of the recommended SoundFonts from the same page.

Install VirtualMIDISynth, then extract/install the SountFont someplace convenient.

Run the "Configure VirtualMIDISynth" start menu program, click the plus icon, find the .SF2 SoundFont file, then click OK.

On the "Advanced options" tab, lower the "Additional output buffer" setting as low as you can. Zero is fastest, but you might have to determine what's best for your system experimentally.

Once you've done that, you'll see a new output device on the Keyboard Setup screen in Synthesia named "CoolSoft VirtualMIDISynth". It should be much faster and sound better than the built-in Windows synth.




